Today is the last day of being 49 years old. In my 20's I used to wonder what being 50 is like, physically, emotionally and financially. The image that I had of what I would look like and what my life would look like are different, in very good ways. When I was an employee, I thought that turning 50 was getting really close to financial freedom at 55. Yaaay!!! Five more years! That meant that I would consider at the age of 55, whether I wanted to continue to work or not, quit my job and work on contract, find a less stressful job or simply retire. Would I be fit at 50? I never ever thought that I would stop colouring my hair in my 40's and would enter 50 with so many silver linings. Would I be happy or going through one of life's hurdles?
I would normally have a quiet birthday, but 50 feels like it's worth celebrating. One thing that caught me off guard recently is apart from Ernest, I would not be celebrating this birthday with any of my family members or close friends and that saddened me greatly. I shared how I felt with a friend with tears rolling down my face, wishing just one family member would show up. I am grateful that this particular friend helped me to shift my mindset and see things differently. I get to experience something different, being in a different country and my celebrations would now include virtual love and well wishes. Who knows? I might appreciate this birthday more than the others and am looking forward to how the day will unfold.
Having gratitude in these circumstances made me appreciate how so many other people celebrated their birthdays during the lockdown. It is a very different time for sure and I thank God for the blessing of virtual platforms where we can still meet and express our love.