What is your own definition of wealth? Did anyone teach you how to create it? During my 20's through 40's I used to wonder about wealth. The people around me spoke about money but never the creation of wealth. I used to ask myself "How in the world do I become one of those people who are not only rich, but living a life that's so different from mine and they're generous?" It is said that a person cannot give you what they do not have. This saying was true about my circle of influence during those years. Out of all of the people I knew, I only knew ONE couple whom I considered wealthy by my own definition. I had conversations with them but never asked for support to learn how to create it.
I would like to open up the discussion about the beginnings of wealth creation. I am not an accountant, financial advisor or a lawyer. I am happy to share my wisdom through the journey of how I came to Canada with $63.00 in hand and the steps that I took to learn to create the life that I lead now. Wealth became more than a journey with money. In my 20's and 30's I did a few things that supported me to get started, but what happened afterwards when I realized I didn't know how to do things differently, changed me and my life. I invite you to join me on Saturday February 19th, 2022 at 9 am Eastern Standard Time for Let's Talk About Wealth. This session will be interactive. If you are interested, please RSVP at info@riselfurtado.com for the Zoom link.